Friday, December 26, 2008

Charles Wayne Southwood

Hi,I'm looking for my son Charles Wayne Southwood.He was born Sept 8.1971.He is 6ft plus,dark blond hair,blue eyes and was last seen in California.He has lots of homemade tattoo on arms and chest.I lost all my possession in 2005 so I have no pictures.Please if you know him tell him his mom,sisters and brothers miss him and want to see him.

Friday, December 19, 2008

New Day

Wow I woke up this morning with the song "Where do we go from here" playing over and over in my head. Last night I graduated from FaithWorks. I can't truly decribe my feelings last night.I looked in the audience and my Babies "Cody,Dovie,Jacob.Leigh and Ashley were all there.So many of my Church family were also there.I felt truly Blessed.Today I don't go to school and it feels weird.This is after and now I need to use the tools I learn in school to realizes my Dream.Wow

Monday, December 8, 2008

Dear John

Yesterday I wrote my last letter to John.My counselor had wanted me to write a dear John letter.I had mention as a joke and he thought it was a good idea.I should think before I talk .lol.It was hard to get started.I put on the headset,put "Hate me today" by blue october.After a few mins. I was typing so fast that Dovie said I was typing with a vengeance.She wanted to read it when I got though. After she got through she started sobbing brokenhearted and said I had to mail it.So since I would do anything for my beautiful and soulful child.I will be mailing it today.For of those who know me if you want to read a couple that want me to share it with you .Tell me on face book.Have a blessed day Tasha

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008

God's got my back

Yesterday at faithworks during pray request I was crying so much all I ask was God help me be strong.My tanf " welfare" hasn't come in 3 months due to missed mail and clerical errors,my disability check got deposited in wrong account so I won't get it for a couple of weeks,my car wouldn't start ,and we were out of food stamps . I knew that God would see us though.He always does but I was so tired of being so broke. Last night the youth minister came by. He heard I was out of gas. A friend had already brought by some gas and we found out that something was wrong with the car. David called someone from my church family and I mean family not just a church but people that love me and my kids. He said he would try and get someone by to see if they can identify the car's problem. He said that someone would pick us up for church sunday.We've miss a lot of church lately due to illness and lack of gas for car.

Today during school I was laughing and talking full of true happiness,No I didn't get any money yet but I know God has given me a truly loving church home,true friends though faithworks and kids that love can I be down when God has always got us though things that most people would not believe.He led me prison which started me to stop being a victim.He put my kids in a fabulous foster home.Which led me to a church that loves me just the way I am tattoos and all.Though Church I was told about faithworks which has helped me understand that I matter and that I can make a difference.I will soon graduate and if all works out I start a job working online at home in Jan.Why should I cry and worry when God's got my back,

About Me

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A-Town, Texas, United States