Sunday, July 26, 2009


I haven't written in a while.My car is almost gone.I can't keep up with the repairs.It took 8 quarts of oil yesterday just to go to Goodwill and HEB.My daughter Margaret was supposed to get out of prison on the 21st.I went to bus station four times and she never showed up.I found out the next day she won't get out until Aug 27.My lights are due to be cutoff monday if I don't pay them.But I am totally broke.I wonder why I'm stressed.LOL I give it all to God.He has always seen us through and He will get us through this.Praise God.I look at the picture from Africa that Geoffery sent and I feel selfish to complain when the people there don't even have a way to get clean water.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I just read my last post.I almost deleted it because I was just wallowing in pity.I know God will get us through.He always has.I stay so stressed trying to pay bills with not enough money but I have faith that we will get through this.In the last couple of months several of my friends have died.It's hurts but I know they are home with God now and are no longer hurting and stressing.I've been trying to get a hold of my grandbabies foster mom to be able to visit them but since my daughter has lost her legal rights to them it scares me that I won't get to see them again.OOP'S here I go again with self pity and doubts.It's strange I joined facebook last year and found one of my old childhood friends recently.She remember how I loved to read,I really hadn't thought anyone noticed back then.It made me smile.I just posted lots of pictures on facebook too.Well till next time.
Trust in the Lord
Jesus is the Way

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Well tonight it's freezing but it could be worse as I got a disconnect notice on gas and lights.It is so depressing to not even be able to pay monthly bills.Last night my car broke again.Just when my kids are looking for work to help pay bills.But luckily they didn't turn the gas off today as its 18 degrees.I thought when I graduated things would get better.I got a job working at home but it will probably be months before I see a paycheck as it depends on if hospital Chaplin's want my boss's program.It's so hard not to be depressed.I can't get help with bill's because all the agency's are out of money.My church help in past but I just can't ask again.I just don't receive enough on disability to pay rent and utilities .Much less things like washing clothes and buying things like dish washing liquid and toilet paper.Things most people take for granted.I guess that enough pitying myself.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Charles Wayne Southwood

Hi,I'm looking for my son Charles Wayne Southwood.He was born Sept 8.1971.He is 6ft plus,dark blond hair,blue eyes and was last seen in California.He has lots of homemade tattoo on arms and chest.I lost all my possession in 2005 so I have no pictures.Please if you know him tell him his mom,sisters and brothers miss him and want to see him.

Friday, December 19, 2008

New Day

Wow I woke up this morning with the song "Where do we go from here" playing over and over in my head. Last night I graduated from FaithWorks. I can't truly decribe my feelings last night.I looked in the audience and my Babies "Cody,Dovie,Jacob.Leigh and Ashley were all there.So many of my Church family were also there.I felt truly Blessed.Today I don't go to school and it feels weird.This is after and now I need to use the tools I learn in school to realizes my Dream.Wow

Monday, December 8, 2008

Dear John

Yesterday I wrote my last letter to John.My counselor had wanted me to write a dear John letter.I had mention as a joke and he thought it was a good idea.I should think before I talk .lol.It was hard to get started.I put on the headset,put "Hate me today" by blue october.After a few mins. I was typing so fast that Dovie said I was typing with a vengeance.She wanted to read it when I got though. After she got through she started sobbing brokenhearted and said I had to mail it.So since I would do anything for my beautiful and soulful child.I will be mailing it today.For of those who know me if you want to read a couple that want me to share it with you .Tell me on face book.Have a blessed day Tasha

Sunday, December 7, 2008

About Me

My photo
A-Town, Texas, United States